Monday 25 August 2014

Know Yourself As Light - Meditation Retreat

Swami Nithyananda - Know Yourself As Light

While waking, dreaming, sleeping, know yourself as light.  When you meditate on your body as filled with light, it is visualization. Your boundary still exists. When you meditate on the ultimate truth that nothing but light exists, you step out of body and mind and world. You become no more than a point of awareness in an ocean of light.

Do this meditation for 24 hours of the day for 21 days continuously. Know that you are light, that there is nothing else inside and outside. There is no body, no world – only light, intense light. From the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep, carry this truth inside you continuously. Slowly, after a few days, it will start penetrating even your sleep and dreaming states. Even when dreaming, you will remember yourself as light! Even in deep sleep, you will remember yourself as light. You will just be a light, shining; an eternal light. This technique is so powerful, it will give you the clear experience that you never die! Light never dies. If you think you are matter, you will always have the fear that you will disappear one day. When you realize you are light, the fear of death will disappear! This is a part of meditation retreat program started by Swami Nithyananda.

Biggest delusion you need to handle in life is that there is "something other than you". Everything exists IS you. Handling that delusion is very important. For that you have to know what or who as "other than you" and why you feel them as other than you. A bamboo floating in the Ganga can appear to split Ganga into two. But Ganga never became too. It is our enmity that makes it look like you and the other. Who you feel as your opponent or enemy or other.. and why you feel. When you go into it you will see the whole thing will boil down to your root pattern.

This is the principle through which you can experience Advaita - doing more and more completion with your desperation and anxiety. The good news is that, all the thoughts that can be completed just by one more thought - mere will - of "I need to complete" are the ones that cause desperation and anxiety. The root patterns that you need to complete are the real villains. Your anxiety and desperation are not real villains. They are just superficial. They are passer-by thoughts. The deepest delusion like "you exist separately from something" or "something exists separately from you" - which is the root case of your birth itself, only those patterns are villains with whom you have to fight.

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