Wednesday 17 September 2014

Nithyananda Ayurvedic Group

Under the strict supervision and enough guidance of Sri.Kunhi Krishnakurup,his sons established the "Nithyananda Ayurveda Marma Chikitsalayam" at Koyilandy in 1986.Today "Nithyanada" is the most trusted name in the treatment under the Indian System of Medicines Marma and Ayurveda. Thousands from in and out of Kerala, no stop, many from abroad also realize and recognize "Nithyananda" as a specialty center for Ayurvedic Treatments. Great indeed, those who treated in the center consider 'Nithyananda' as the LAST WORD in the Marmachikitsa.
The Vamozhi bestowed by the Gurus, text and documents viz: 'Thaliyolas' and books, written by the saint and Brahmasrees helped the new generation build up an expertise in the Marmachikitsa.
Specialized treatments are given for fractures and slip discs, joint dislocations, spondylitis, chronic back pain, arthritis, sports injuries, neural and muscular defects and many more. None, among these were treated in this institution left partially cured or uncured. Each has experienced recovery to the full satisfaction. See most of these complaints were not cured fully by applying any other system of medication. "The Marma Chikitsa "given by Nithyananda is rendered as a blessing of the almighty.
Panchakarma, Snehaswedha Karma and Pakarma treatments given after through diagnosis by a team of highly qualified, experienced and dedicated staff leaves the patients fully cured.

Much patience with compliments aliments, rejected or returned by various other medical institutions came to our care and concerned got the treatments and live a harmonious, happy life now.


Medicine Production Unit

The products are manufactured strictly according to the traditional Ayurvedic prescriptions, under the supervision of quality-driven Ayurvedic physicians. The medicines conform to the highest standards of purity and efficiency.The Govt. of kerala has already granted GMP certificate to the unit.

Treatment Room

This hygiene and standard room has all the necessary facilities to provide special treatments for all kinds of paralysis, rheumatism, arthritis,spondilosis, skin diseases, asthma, hysteria, mental disturbances and other psychosomatic diseases.

Yoga Hall

Yoga required a hygiene and standard room to sit a group of people together. Nithyananda Ayurvedic Group has a specially designed roof top room called as a Yoga Hall.

Other Facilities

The center situated in the village has nearby temple and beautiful pond that gives and aesthetic view from each rooms.We offer an unequalled level of hygiene standard ,friendly and individual attention to the patients.

For more Details:

Monday 25 August 2014

Know Yourself As Light - Meditation Retreat

Swami Nithyananda - Know Yourself As Light

While waking, dreaming, sleeping, know yourself as light.  When you meditate on your body as filled with light, it is visualization. Your boundary still exists. When you meditate on the ultimate truth that nothing but light exists, you step out of body and mind and world. You become no more than a point of awareness in an ocean of light.

Do this meditation for 24 hours of the day for 21 days continuously. Know that you are light, that there is nothing else inside and outside. There is no body, no world – only light, intense light. From the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep, carry this truth inside you continuously. Slowly, after a few days, it will start penetrating even your sleep and dreaming states. Even when dreaming, you will remember yourself as light! Even in deep sleep, you will remember yourself as light. You will just be a light, shining; an eternal light. This technique is so powerful, it will give you the clear experience that you never die! Light never dies. If you think you are matter, you will always have the fear that you will disappear one day. When you realize you are light, the fear of death will disappear! This is a part of meditation retreat program started by Swami Nithyananda.

Biggest delusion you need to handle in life is that there is "something other than you". Everything exists IS you. Handling that delusion is very important. For that you have to know what or who as "other than you" and why you feel them as other than you. A bamboo floating in the Ganga can appear to split Ganga into two. But Ganga never became too. It is our enmity that makes it look like you and the other. Who you feel as your opponent or enemy or other.. and why you feel. When you go into it you will see the whole thing will boil down to your root pattern.

This is the principle through which you can experience Advaita - doing more and more completion with your desperation and anxiety. The good news is that, all the thoughts that can be completed just by one more thought - mere will - of "I need to complete" are the ones that cause desperation and anxiety. The root patterns that you need to complete are the real villains. Your anxiety and desperation are not real villains. They are just superficial. They are passer-by thoughts. The deepest delusion like "you exist separately from something" or "something exists separately from you" - which is the root case of your birth itself, only those patterns are villains with whom you have to fight.

Monday 11 August 2014

Meditation Retreat - The real truth

What is Meditation Retreat?
With so many common misconceptions about meditation
retreat, it might be better to clarify what meditation is NOT!

The process of attaining peaceful and healthy life involves three main elements
 Meditation Retreat, Kundalini Awakening, Yoga Retreat.This program is being organized
by a young rare living avatar, Swami Nithyananda.

Meditation is not relaxation. Relaxation is a natural process where the mind gets so tired 
of its own chatter that is just drops for a while.

Though this may be a good way to get a glimpse of the no-mind state, it is not valuable in
 itself.We can come back from relaxation with exactly the same problems and prejudices
 we had before. Meditation, on the other hand, is a continuous evolutionary process, each 
experience taking us to higher levels of awareness and understanding, clearing away the 
mental garbage of many lifetimes.

Meditation Retreat is not concentration. Concentration can certainly be an aid to meditation.
 In Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga, dharana (concentration) complements dhyana (meditation).
 But they are radically different processes. Concentration is effort, mind is effortlessness.
 Concentration is exclusive, meditation is inclusive. Concentration works with the mind,
 meditation is beyond the mind.

Meditation is not having supernormal experiences. The most common (wrong) idea about 
meditation retreat is that it involves seeing colors and light, hearing music and sensing the
 presence of Divine beings. While aspirants may have these experiences, they are not
 meditation. All experiences are of the mind, and meditation can happen only when 
you drop the mind!

Meditation is not an escape from Life. In fact, meditation is intimately connected with Life. Consciousness spiraling outward is Life. Life spiraling inward is meditation! Meditation
 retreat is the best and most practical coping mechanism for handling every situation of
 life with ease – including making money, managing relationships, handling stress or
 illness – and a thousand other things you wouldn’t dream of calling ‘spiritual’.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Meditation Retreat- Actual benefit

Meditation Retreat-Actual benefit

Complete Health and Wellness

“Good health is not just the absence of disease, it is the presence of ease, a sense of well-being”
Disease starts in the mind. Often, our physical and mental disorders are side effects of deeper underlying issues, such as past traumas, lack of self-love, or unhealthy lifestyle choices. Over time, we reinforce self-destructive behaviors and thought patterns which eventually manifest as disease or depression. The multiple dimensions of the Inner Awakening reprogram the neural pathways in the brain, repaving a path towards physical, mental, and emotional health.
Continuous Rejuvenation

Continuous Rejuvenation

“The body is not just a bio-mechanism, it is pure intelligence meant to experience high levels of super-conscious energy.”
When our inner space is filled with confusion, worry, stress, or anxiety, vital life energy is drained from your system. Every aspect of Inner Awakening (Meditation retreat, Yoga retreat, kundalini awakening) is designed to return you to the realm of consciousness, or deep peace. When you become established in that space, you will be continuously rejuvenated with energy.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Inner Awakening

What is Inner Awakening (IA)?

- Swami Nithyananda

How can I describe a program like Inner Awakening? All I can say is that Inner Awakening is not a program – it is a tremendous possibility! However else we may choose to describe it, Inner Awakening is ultimately your experience of your own transformation – your intimate contact with your own highest possibilities.
Each moment of Inner Awakening is a fresh introduction – because Life is introducing Itself to you every moment ! No one can predict what your unique experience of this program will be like.
But there is one thing I can tell you, for I have seen it happen: no one, no one, ever returns from Inner Awakening without experiencing at least one dimension of Jeevan Mukti, Living Enlightenment.


Groundbreaking techniques to provide you with the energy, clarity, and intelligence to create the life you truly desire
Human beings only utilize a portion of their brain’s capacity. We have an innate ability to fully express multiple intelligences (i.e. social, emotional, physical, intellectual). These faculties are associated with different dimensions of the brain. In fact, we are already equipped with everything needed to live successfully in each area of life. All the tools we are searching for lie unmanifested within us. Masters and Rishis from every tradition have spent thousands of years researching, writing, and teaching people the science of accessing the hidden treasures of the inner world. Scientific research has recently verified what has been known in the spiritual field for centuries; man is much more than what they think they are and the human potential is vast.